

Make it stand out.

Your new PFP.

A collection of the already mutated ducks.

Let’s get started!

This process will only work correctly if you have been instructed to mutate by the Dao Duck team. All other transactions will result in lost gas.

Genesis Ducks
You will need to enter the Token ID from OpenSea in order to mutate your duck. To do so, view your NFT on OpenSea, and under the Details tab below the NFT image, you will see Token ID (This should be a very long number) - click the number to copy it.

Public Mint
If you are mutating a Public Mint Duck then this number should be the same as the name + 1000. So Duck #34 should have a token ID of 1034. But please check and get the right one else your transaction will fail!

Once you have completed this, you will find a Mutant Serum in your wallet. Keep it safe! The reveal is on Monday.


Mutating will be opening shortly, check back soon!

Selected Address:
Eth Balance:

Mutation Check

You can verify if a ducks has already been mutated or not here.

If a mutant duck is listed below 0.2 ETH before 65 days since it's mint, it will revert back to the Chemical Vial placeholder until the conditions are met. If you do not like these terms then reach out to Eddie or Mike for a refund of the free mint cost.